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Evan’s First Field Trip

How is my baby old enough for field trips!?!? I can’t believe it. His first field trip was to a local pumpkin patch. Evan is lucky enough to have his cousin Benjamin in his class so we were able to carpool with them! We started off the day with bouncing on a giant “trampoline” then headed over to watch the pig races. Because Evan’s class is only two and a half hours long we didn’t have a lot of time to explore all of the fun activities the pumpkin patch had to offer, but we did get to take a tractor ride over to pick out a couple pumpkins. We wrapped up the trip by having a snack and taking a couple trips down a giant slide. Although the field trip was short it was filled with fun! Having two young kids can make it challenging to have a lot of one on one time with each kiddo, this gave us the perfect opportunity to have some mommy / Evan time. It was nice to soak it all in. I will cherish every chance I get to spend this time with them because I know these years will ...

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