Catching Up

2012... How is it possible that I haven’t posted since 2012!?!? I regret terribly that I did not keep up with this blog. I wish more than anything I could go back to the day Evan was born and start this up again. I wish so badly that I had written down all of the details that are fading from my memory already even though he is just 3 years old. But that’s what happens when you become a mom, right? Time goes by and you are so busy trying to keep tiny humans alive that you don’t have time to think, let alone document every life event. Even though life is crazy busy, I am committed to try to do a better job of documenting more memories so I (and some day the boys) can look back at this blog and see how life “used to be” during this time.

Life is so different now that it was when I last posted. I have had 2 kids and Brandon and I just celebrated 10 years of marriage (what!?!?!?!)! My priorities have changed and I have grown so much since 2012.  I can’t wait to see how I grow over the next 10, 20 and even 30 years. Hopefully this time around I can do a better job of keeping up on this “journal” of my life... so here goes!

To catch up....

2105 - December 1st to be exact my life forever changed. I gave birth to my first baby boy - Evan Joseph Hilger. There is soooooo much to share about this sweet, sassy boy. But there is too much to share about him in this post so I will save that for another day (or more).

2018 - October 3rd. Jonah Joseph Hilger made his grand appearance into this crazy world. And boy....did he throw us for a loop. Again, there is so much to share about him so stay tuned to hear all about our miracle baby.

Here is an old family picture... add “take more family pictures” to the list of things I need to be better at 😝

There is so much happening over the next few months so hopefully I can keep my word and blog all about it! I am hoping that I can do my best to “keep it real” to share the good, and the bad. Many times our social media is a highlight reel of our lives. I will do my best to show the ups and downs so my kiddos can see the fun and the struggles we faced as we navigated our way through this special time. That is all for now...


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